5 Best Horse Shedding Tools for 2023

5 Best Horse Shedding Tools for 2023

When it comes to horse grooming, one size does not fit all. Just as people have different hair types - straight, wavy, curly, etc. - horses' coats can vary greatly in texture and sensitivity. Some horses have sensitive skin and require special care when being brushed. If you're like most horse owners, you're looking for ways to make the process a little easier. Here are five of the best horse shedding tools for 2023:

Shed Flower

Sweet flower shape fits hands of all sizes to lift hair, dirt and mud quickly and effortlessly.

This body brush is design for all horse hair types, made with Goat hair bristles. Comes in multiple sizes. 
Brush Blaster
Our Brush Blaster is THE BOMB! It cleans brushes and other grooming tools like magic! Just drop it in a bucket of water and throw your brushes etc. in. Wait until fizzing stops, rinse, done! Made in United States.
A texturised, flexible panel that can be mounted on a fence post or stable wall allowing horses to safely scratch without the worry of potential injury. The Equine Scratcher offers relief from insect bites, boredom or shedding a seasonal coat. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Each panel has a unique surface design that stands up to the most determined nibblers. UV stabilizer means it won't crack or rot in seasonal weather. Includes mounting hardware. 3 panels per set. Panel Size: 9' x 11
Shedding Blade
The EZI-GROOM sweat scraper/shedding blade removes excess water from the horse's coat. It also helps to remove shedding winter coats at the end of the season.

Products that are easy to use and will help you get the job done quickly. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start shedding your horse today!