Vetericyn HydroGel Spray

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One-step topical water-based HydroGel spray that cleans wounds, treats infections, and kills bacteria including antibiotic-resistant MRSA. Use to treat topical infections and wounds, hot spots, rain rot, outer ear infections, yeast infections, and rashes. This steroid-free, antibiotic-free, no-rinse solution is non-toxic and speeds healing. HydroGel is designed to slowly evaporate, there is no need to wipe away film or residue from previous applications. Vetericyn HydroGel kills antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria as well as fungi, viruses and spores. Tests free for competitive animals. Safe to use on cats, dogs, rabbits, reptiles, birds, horses, cattle, sheep, and goats.

Size: 16 oz

SKU 851039
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